What does it mean when someone says they have a Hashimoto’s flare up or thyroid flare up? Saying you have a “flare up” is a casual way to say that your immune system has increased its attack on the thyroid gland. Or, for some, they are noticing that they have increased symptoms, and they refer to this as a “flare up”.

It is not a technical or diagnostic term. It is a way to describe how you are doing.
One thing you can do is read more about the immune system and how it works here on Dr. K’s news page. This will help you understand immune system shifts and what may be happening in a flare.
*This blog post is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical condition. Please speak with your doctor for medical advice.
How might you feel in a Hashimoto’s flare up?
Everyone is so unique and different in how they feel with their symptoms.
However, common complaints that I hear of in a flare up are:
- Water retention, feeling “puffy”, or bloated
- Temporary increase or decrease in weight
- Heart palpitations (please speak with your doctor if you are experiencing any of these ongoing symptoms)
- Nausea, headache
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Sudden increase in fatigue
- Sudden increase in anxiety
- Others symtpoms that commonly appear with common colds and seasonal allergy-like symptoms – however, these can be a sign of underlying food sensitivities that are aggravating the autoimmune condition.
- difficulty falling asleep at night or waking in the middle of the night unusually
What do you feel if you are feeling like you are having a flare up?
What can we do about flare ups?
I like to take additional anti-inflammatory support supplements (please speak with your doctor before beginning any new supplements) like turmeric, vitamin C, and probiotics. I try to add in fruit smoothies (without added sugar), and eat plenty of vegetables to get plenty of nutrient-dense and anti-inflammatory foods.
Next, take an extra rest or “spa” day. This doesn’t mean you have to actually go to the spa! What this means is to pamper yourself a little. Drink some tea, what a fun movie, call a friend, or do something relaxing for YOU. I like to do a little face mask, what a guily pleasure tv show, get some sunshine and go for a relaxing walk, or dance.
Stress management does wonders for the immune system, and so does getting a good night’s sleep.