I have a handful of supplements that are my “go-to’s” for thyroid support. Lately, I have personally done well with magnesium for thyroid nutrition.
What can magnesium help with?
Magnesium may support muscle relaxation (which may also support better sleep). Overall, I do find that magnesium has helped me to reduce anxiety and stress, personally. However, I recommend to speak with your doctor or your personal Registered Dietitian to determine if magnesium if right for you.
Another wonderful benefit of magnesium is its ability to promote better bowel movements. For those of us who are hypothyroid, and suffer from more consistent constipation, magnesium can be a game changer.
Magnesium may also helpful when supplementing with larger quantities of vitamin D. As we supplement with higher doses of vitamin D, our body will use up more magnesium in order to increase the vitamin D in the body. Many of us with autoimmune thyroid conditions tend to supplement with vitamin D, so you may want to ask your doctor about adding in some magnesium.
Last, but not least, I like to use magnesium when I am doing more strength exercise. I find that the added magnesium helps my muscles perform better overall.
What are my favorite types of magnesium?
I like to use magnesium in the powder form because it is a rather “bulky” supplement. This means if you were to use a pill form, you would have to swallow quite a few pills in order to acheive the recommended dosage. So, a few brands I like are:
Natural Calm by Natural Vitality
Designs for Health Magnesium Chelate Powder
MagFocus (Magnesium Threonate)
(Affiliate links are used here because I am constantly recommending these products, so hey(!), I should get a small commission (wink, wink).)
Food Forms of Magnesium

Foods such as dark chocolate, nuts (including peanuts), and avocado are some wonderful sources of magnesium. However, I find I am not able to get enough magnesium that I need from food form alone. Whole grains are also higher in magnesium, but many of us are straying away from grains, so we may be consuming less magnesium if we are not staying mindful.