What we can’t see won’t hurt us, right? Not so much. Pesticide residues are lurking on the leaves and skin on many conventional produce items. Well, what’s the deal with pesticides in food, and how do pesticides affect thyroid health?
Pesticides in Food Disrupt the Endocrine System
Pesticides are known endocrine disruptors.
“Thyroid disease is common, and evidence of an association between organochlorine exposure and thyroid disease is increasing… These data support a role of organochlorines, in addition to fungicides, in the etiology of thyroid disease…” Source
Another study of pesticide applicators shows the link among numerous types of pesticides in food:
“There was increased odds of hypothyroidism with ever-use of the herbicides 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, 2,4,5-TP, alachlor, dicamba, and petroleum oil. Hypothyroidism was also associated with ever-use of eight insecticides: organochlorines chlordane, DDT, heptachlor, lindane, and toxaphene; organophosphates diazinon and malathion; and the carbamate carbofuran. Exposure-response analysis showed increasing odds with increasing level of exposure for the herbicides alachlor and 2,4-D, and the insecticides aldrin, chlordane, DDT, lindane, and parathion.” Source
The organochlorines are perhaps the most widely studied and show the greatest link to a reduction in T3 when there is consistent exposure.
Pesticides in food, in general, are considered neurotoxic, and we are not 100% sure how they affect the human body. Two things we do know:
- It is important to limit pesticide exposure to developing children as they are more sensitive due to their developing brain and body
- Pesticides disrupt the endocines system. How much? Not sure.
There are many other harmful possibilities, but we still need more research!
So, if we focus in on how to reduce organochlorine exposure, we will want to take a look at buying organic verisions of these foods:
Best Foods to Buy Organic for Thyroid Health
To reduce organochlorine exposure
- Dairy: Eliminate dairy products or purchase organic. This is one of the top sources of organochlorines. Perhaps this is why so many thyroid sufferers feel better on a dairy free diet.
- Higher fat meats like beef and dark meats: Organochlorines and other pesticides are stored in the fat tissue of animals. Even the organic meats may contain some level of organochlorines, but will most likely contain a much lower level. So, it is the best bet to choose organic meats especially when you are purchasing a fattier cut or type.
- Fish: Buy wild! Farmed fish is often fed with pesticide-contaminated feed and other pollutants affect the fish
- Olive oil and other oils: Choose organic. High fat food = higher risk of pesticide build up!
- Fruits: Especially, strawberries, nectarines, apples, peaches, pears, and grapes!
- Vegetables: Especially, spinach, celery, (these are three I always buy organic!!) tomato, bell pepper, potato, cucumber, lettuce, snap peas.
Here is the full list from the EWG of fruits and veggies with high pesticide residue.
Eggs may also contain organochlorines, but it is difficult to know the contents of what you are buying. We do not know pesticide content of the land the chickens are feeding on or what they are fed if not cage free. However, organic eggs come from hens who must be fed an organic diet. This makes it more likely your eggs will not contain high levels of pesticides!
Other Ways to Reduce Pesticide Exposure
Reduce body fat! Adipose tissue (aka fatty tissue) in the body stores and holds on to pesticides and other toxins. The lower your body fat percentage (within normal limits), the less of these pesticides your body naturally holds on to.
Pesticides in Food Discussion for Another Post: Glyphosate and Herbicides! This post focused more on organochlorines, but I will go over another hot topic next time.
Pesticides and buying organic is often an “ignorance is bliss” type of issue. We can’t see the affect pesticides may be having on our health. I know many who don’t believe in buying organic because it is simply more expensive, or they see it as a marketing scheme. This is not the case! If you read the articles and research, you will find thousands of studies on various pesticides and the harm that can be done over time. The only way to combat them is to maintain a healthy body weight, eat organic, and ensure your body detox systems are all functioning optimally. Thoughts? Do you buy organic?